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WASHINGTON, D.C., April 8, 2022 - C&C Irradiator Service is pleased to announce our attendance to the Health Physics Society annual meeting in Spokane, WA from July 17th through July 21st to promote our brand, provide information regarding our new x-ray partnership capabilities, and meet other members of the society! We will also present the results of our dose mapping study on Monday, July 18th from 3:00PM - 3:15PM. We discuss absorbed dose comparisons between gamma and x-ray irradiators. Please come see us in booth #300!



WASHINGTON, D.C., July 20, 2021 - C&C Irradiator Service is pleased to announce our attendance to the Health Physics Society annual meeting in Phoenix, AZ from July 25th through July 29th to promote our brand, provide information regarding our new x-ray partnership capabilities, and meet other members of the society! Though our usual staff will not be attending this year, please visit our Silver Sponsor booth #101 to meet with our colleague. He will be promoting our partnership which offers the Radgil 2 X-ray Blood Irradiator. 


WASHINGTON, D.C., April 7, 2020 - In light of recent developments surrounding the spread of COVID-19, it has become clear that the world is facing an unprecedented event.  In order to ensure that we meet our clients' demands and keep critical infrastructure operating without interruption during this time of national emergency, we are required to take steps to protect our employees required to work on site. C&C Irradiator Service will be following social distancing guidelines when visiting your facility and traveling, and will continue to provide paperwork electronically to avoid physical contact with your employees. Hygiene is of utmost importance at all times and we will continue to ensure proper sanitizing and cleaning methods. If an employee shows symptoms or has reason to believe they may have been exposed to someone with the coronavirus, they will not be permitted access your facility until a quarantine period is completed. 


We will continue to provide services that are deemed essential/critical to continue your vital operations, so please reach out to us should you be in any need of assistance from us. Thank you for your time, and be safe! 



WASHINGTON, D.C., January 9, 2019 - C&C Irradiator Service is pleased to announce our attendance to the Health Physics Society mid-year meeting in Bethesda, MD from January 26th to January 29th. As a Silver Sponsor, we look forward to promoting our brand, providing information regarding our new x-ray partnership capabilities, and meeting other members of the society, so please come see us at booth #103! We hope to see you there!



Xstrahl Partners with C&C Irradiator Service to Supply Safe Irradiation Systems in the U.S.
October 3rd, 2019 – Xstrahl and Washington, DC based C&C Irradiator Service are announcing a partnership to supply

next generation X-ray irradiator systems to replace cesium sources across the U.S.

Used throughout the world, with hundreds in the United States, Cesium-137 is a radioactive source used in equipment

such as older generation radiotherapy systems and irradiators. However, it is a potentially dangerous radioactive isotope

that is difficult to dispose of safely and responsibly, and its potential use in a terrorist attack also causes concern.
“The ability to supply much needed safe alternatives to traditional cesium systems is a great step forward in making the

world a safer place,” says Adrian Treverton, CEO of Xstrahl. “With ever increasing concern over security of irradiators,

we’re happy to be able to supply a safe and financially beneficial alternative.”


Significant advancements in technology in recent years have yielded safe and effective alternative non-radioactive x-ray

devices that are approved by the  U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Replacing cesium-137 irradiators with these x-ray

devices has both security and fiscal benefits: It requires less security and doesn’t require expensive disposal at the end of

the machine’s life cycle. The agreement between Xstrahl and C&C provides a full replacement solution from

decommissioning an existing gamma irradiator to the installation of an incoming x-ray system, facilitating a smooth

transition from one irradiation technology to another for facilities across the country. “C&C Irradiator Service wanted to

work with a partner that offers an exceptional line of X-ray systems and can provide bespoke commissioning services for

their clients’ needs,” says Chad Gunther, chief operating officer of C&C Irradiator Service. “We are very excited to team-up

with Xstrahl and are looking forward to what the future holds.”


The Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office of Radiological Security (ORS)

is working with domestic users of cesium-137 based irradiators who are interested in converting to viable non-radioisotopic

alternatives. The Cesium Irradiator Replacement Project (CIRP), offered by ORS, provides qualified sites who are interested

in making the switch with a financial incentive towards the purchase price of a new non-radioisotopic device, as well as

the removal and disposal of the cesium irradiator.




Xstrahl is a medical technology company that designs clinical and research systems to help eradicate cancer.

For more than 20 years, Xstrahl has been shaping the development of superficial and orthovoltage therapies for

cancer treatment and advancing pre-clinical research. Xstrahl systems are in operation at more than 700 treatment

and research facilities worldwide.


C&C Irradiator Service was established by Christopher Nostrand and Chad Gunther to provide various services to

self-shielded irradiators. With 17 years of experience, C&C Irradiator Service is licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory

Commission to provide service to nearly every manufacturer and model of Category 1 and Category 2 self-shielded

irradiator with license number 08-35447-01. C&C Irradiator Service is deemed Trustworthy & Reliable and complies

with 10 CFR Part 37.

Media Enquiries:
Rhys Turton, + 44 7519121910.

Chad Gunther,, 570-912-2389,




WASHINGTON, D.C., May 13, 2019 - C&C Irradiator Service is pleased to announce our attendance to the Health Physics Society

annual meeting in Orlando, FL from July 7th to July 11th. As a Silver Sponsor, we look forward to promoting our brand and meeting other members of the society, so please come see us at booth #300! We hope to see you there!



WASHINGTON, D.C., May 30, 2018 - C&C Irradiator Service is pleased to announce our attendance to the Health Physics Society

annual meeting in Cleveland, OH from July 16th to July 18th. As a Silver Sponsor, we look forward to promoting our brand and meeting other members of the society, so please come see us at booth #400 near the registration desk! We hope to see you there!


Our Services

- Preventative maintenance

- Dose Validations

- Relocations

- Emergency Repairs

- Decommissioning

© 2022 by C&C Irradiator Service.


Normal Business Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm EST&PST

Emergency Repairs 24/7/365!

Contact Us

1717 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 1025

Washington, D.C. 20006


Chris Nostrand, CEO/RSO:



Chad Gunther, COO/QA Director:



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